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Languid Lane / Trejqet Trankwillità

When + Time: 

Friday 21 October 16:30 / Il-Ġimgha 21 Ottubru – 16:30
Saturday 22 October 9:30 / Is-Sibt 22 Ottubru – 9:30
Saturday 22 October 11:30 / Is-Sibt 22 Ottubru – 11:30

Where: Starting point – The Mill Art, Culture and Crafts Centre

Duration: aprox. 1.5 hrs

Language: English / Malti

Price: by donation at the door for guided walk booklet / donazzjoni mal-bieb għal ktejjeb ta’ gwida

Registration / Reġistrazzjoni: 



Walk. The age-old act of movement. A foundation of migration. A vehicle of reflection.


Around a year ago, as part of her Artivisti project, multi-media artist Martina Camilleri (Tina) set off on a walk in one of the largest, busiest areas in Malta, as well as a popular migratory route and settlement since the early 1900s – Birkirkara. Step by step, winding down through walk, reaction as a call to action asked for further reflection.


An 18-month mentorship programme initiated by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and Arts Council Malta, Artivisti is aimed at fostering change and kindling impact through art. Civic action and social responsibility go hand in hand with “transformation through knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and creative exchange” (Arts Council Malta, 2022) 


Tina, mentored by Kristina Borg, embarked on producing Languid Lane – a response to the over-consuming, fast-paced way of life many vouch to be struggling with. It roots from a determination to propose solutions, and the audience is welcomed to join this experience. 


On 21 and 22 October, the audience are invited to become participants, dedicating some time to embark on a playful, guided walk through the streets of Birkirkara. Starting off from The Mill, Gabriel Caruana Foundation’s home, a soundscape will ground participants as they set-off for an exploration of the surrounding space. Exchanges, encounters and opening up to imagining is encouraged as a way of fostering renewed appreciation of where we’re at and reviving an enthusiasm towards moving forward. 


Interested in joining? Register for free here


This project is supported by Arts Council Malta and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ


Artist: Tina Camilleri 

Mentor and curator: Kristina Borg

With thanks to residents and establishments in Birkirkara who contributed in many ways, towards this project.



Mixi. Att ta’ moviment mill-eqdem. Fondazzjoni tal-migrazzjoni. Spazju għar-riflessjoni.


Madwar sena ilu, bħala parti mill-opportunità tal-Artivisti, artista Martina Camilleri (Tina) rħiet/telqet għal mixja f’waħda mill-akbar u l-aktar naħiet traffikużi ta’ Malta, rotta li magħrufa wkoll għall-migrazzjoni mill-bidu tas-seklu 20 – Birkirkara. Pass pass, b’meditazzjoni fil-mixi, reazzjoni mrawma minn azzjoni sejħet għal bżonn t’iktar riflessjoni.


Trejqet Trankwillità trawmet b’rispons għal ħajja mgħaġla ta’ konsum sfrenat li ħafna jsostnu li ma jlaħqux magħha. Hija il-frott ta’ determinazzjoni biex jiġu proposti soluzzjonijiet, u l-udjenza milqugħa tipparteċipa f’din l-esperjenza.


Hekk kif isiru parteċipanti, membri tal-udjenza mistiedna jiddedikaw ftit tal-ħin għal mixja mħejjija madwar it-toroq ta’ Birkirkara. B’bidu fil-Mill, il-bażi tal-Gabriel Caruana Foundation, storja ta’ ħsejjes iħejju ‘l parteċipanti hekk kif jitilqu għal esplorazzjoni tal-ispazju fil-madwar. Xi logħob, rakkonti, tibdil ta’ stejjer u oġġetti u stedina għal ħsieb immaġinattiv huwa mħeġġeġ bħala opportunità t’apprezzament ta’ fejn qegħdin, u spinta t’entużjażmu biex nimxu ‘l quddiem.


Dan il-proġett huwa megħjun mill-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti u Aġenzija Żgħażagħ


Artista: Tina Camilleri 

Mentor u kuratriċi: Kristina Borg

B’ringrazzjament lir-residenti u stabbilimenti Karkariżi li għenu b’diversi modi biex jitħejja dan il-proġett.