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30@20 – The Mill Focus Groups

The Gabriel Caruana Foundation is working on the 30@20 – The Mill research project, exploring the 30 years of The Mill as an Art, Culture and Crafts Centre

Part of the project is looking at how different groups of individuals see The Mill and how they can contribute to its future as a contemporary art centre. We’re carrying a number of online focus groups in November and December, followed up by a visit to The Mill (by appointment).  

The focus groups will introduce the project, and highlights from the research carried out so far, with a good chunk of time dedicated to sharing ideas, concerns, wants and needs. The focus groups are for the following stakeholder groups: 

  1. Artists and Cultural workers – Wednesday 25th November 6pm to 7pm.
  2. Local Communities – Thursday 26th November 6pm to 7pm. 
  3. Organisations – Monday 30th November 11am to noon.
  4. Volunteering – Wednesday 9th December 6pm to 7pm.

Following the focus group the participants are welcome to The Mill to visit and have a look around and provide us with any additional feedback and we’ll also be there for some physically distant discussion! Making a booking is required in view of current Health and Safety measures. 

Participants will contribute towards The Mill’s future strategy as a modern and contemporary art, culture and crafts centre. 


To register your interest for one of the focus groups and a follow-up visit at The Mill please fill in this short form.

This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector on behalf of Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations within the Ministry for Education and Employment. This project reflects the views only of the author, and the MEDE and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.